
Book club

Reading Time: 2 minutes | Published: 2024-06-26 | Last Edited: 2024-07-15

This is a mailing list-based book club co-organised by myself and Jake Bauer. We intend to follow much of how Phil Eaton runs his book clubs, albeit with slight tweaks.

  • Anyone can join whether or not they intend to participate; lurkers are welcome!
  • We’ll read some amount of the current book each week, then a discussion leader will start a new thread over the weekend that anyone can reply to.
  • Each book gets a new mailing list, so briefly dropping out if you’re not interested in the next book is as easy as not subscribing to that list.
  • Once the group decides on the next book, Amolith or Jake will post it to the announcements list.
  • We’ll try to limit the amount of reading each week to something a fairly busy person can keep up with.


Public archives

Differences between this and Phil’s book club

We use instead of Google Groups, which does give us access to the finer permissions Phil mentioned were missing from Google Groups. Anyone can browse and reply to existing threads but neither create new threads nor moderate. Discussion leaders can browse, reply, and create threads, but not moderate. For now, Amolith and Jake are the only ones with full access to all the lists, though we’ll appoint additional moderators should they become necessary.

We don’t have access to any kind of metrics beyond the number of replies to threads. SourceHut doesn’t expose any information about subscribers or even give us a subscriber count.