

Reading Time: 5 minutes | Published: 2020-02-24 | Last Edited: 2023-04-06

I recently got a Kobo Aura ONE and started reading a lot more. This page is meant to be a record of what I’ve already read, what I plan to read, and what I’m on at the moment. The categories are in alphabetical order but that’s the only organisation there is in the Will read section; the others will be a bit more orderly.

All of the book links are to Wikipedia pages without the language prefix so it should redirect to whatever locale you have set. Unfortunately, some of the books don’t have dedicated pages; in those instances, I’ve used one of Wikipedia’s features to prefill the ISBN search bar so you can view them using the database of your choice, whether that’s Open Library, WorldCat, Amazon, etc. (but please don’t use Amazon.)

If you have any suggestions, feel free to send me a message somewhere!

Currently reading

Book Author Date
The Endless Knot Stephen R. Lawhead 07 Mar 2020
Permanent Record Edward Snowden November 2019

Will read


Book Author
Shannara Terry Brooks
The Witcher Andrzej Sapkowski
Earthsea Ursula K. Le Guin
The Kingkiller Chronicles Patrick Rothfuss
Halo novels Various
The Horus Heresy Various


Book Author
The City of Dreaming Books Walter Moers
The Alchemaster’s Apprentice Walter Moers
The Labyrinth of Dreaming Books Walter Moers

Forgotten Realms

Book Author
The Legend of Drizzt R. A. Salvatore
The Elminster Series Ed Greenwood
War of the Spider Queen Various with Salvatore overseeing


Book Author
Anthem Ayn Rand
Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand
Robert Langdon Dan Brown
Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury

OSINT (offense & defense)

OSINT stands for Open Source Intelligence and deals with gathering information from public sources. This can include social media profiles, email addresses, passwords, usernames, etc. obtained through a public database dump, what you can find out from talking to an individual directly, etc. There are many reasons to have a working knowledge of OSINT methods but the main one, for me, is defense. While reading books on how to keep your information private is good and all, the best resources are on investigating other people; by knowing how to find information about others, you also have a better understanding of how to keep your information safe.

Book Author
Extreme Privacy Michael Bazzell
Open Source Intelligence Michael Bazzell
Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking Christopher Hadnagy
How to Find Out Anything Don Macleod
The Art of Invisibility Kevin Mitnick, Ray Porter, et. al.
200+ Ways to Protect Your Privacy Jeni Rogers
PGP & GPG: Email for the Practical Paranoid Michael Lucas


Book Author
Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell
Does State Spying Make Us Safer? Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, et. al.
Little Brother Cory Doctorow
Surveillance Valley Yasha Levine
No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the Surveillance State Glenn Greenwald

Science Fiction

Book Author
Flatland A Square
Macroscope Piers Anthony
Dune Frank Herbert
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (series) Douglas Adams
The Martian Andy Weir
The Three Body Problem Liu Cixin
Agency William Gibson
Seveneves Neal Stephenson


Book Author
Autonomous Annalee Newitz
Neuromancer William Gibson
Hackers & Painters Paul Graham
The Cathedral and the Bazaar Eric S. Raymond
Cryptonomicon Neal Stephenson


Book Author
The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert Pirsig
The Art of War Sun Tzu
Who Rules The World? Noam Chomsky

Have read

This is by far not a complete list; I have read more books than I can possibly remember. This is simply a list of either ones I’ve read since I started again or the first ones that come to mind when thinking back to when I was younger.


Book Author Date
The Silver Hand Stephen R. Lawhead 07 Mar 2020
The Paradise War Stephen R. Lawhead 14 Feb 2020
The Pendragon Cycle Stephen R. Lawhead
The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear Walter Moers
Fablehaven Brandon Mull
Septimus Heap Angie Sage
Percy Jackson & the Olympians Rick Riordan
The Heroes of Olympus Rick Riordan
The Kane Chronicles Rick Riordan
Redwall Brian Jacques
The Wardstone Chronicles Joseph Delaney
The Avatar Chronicles Conor Kostick
Brave Story Miyuki Miyabe
The Inheritance Cycle Christopher Paolini
Ender’s Game Orson Scott Card
The Sword of Shannara Terry Brooks


These are books and series I have read and highly recommend. I will likely only list one series per author but I encourage you to look more into them and read more of their work. The first few are ranked in order of favouritism but, after that, there is no particular method to my madness.


Book Author
The Pendragon Cycle Stephen R. Lawhead
The Lord of the Rings J. R. R. Tolkien
The Zamonia Series Walter Moers
Shannara Terry Brooks
The Avatar Chronicles Conor Kostick


Book Author
Extreme Privacy Michael Bazzell
Open Source Intelligence Michael Bazzell

Academic reading

My end career goal is to be a university professor. A PhD is all but required to teach at a university and obtaining one will be a rigorous endeavour. One of the requirements for that will be reading and writing a lot of academic papers. In addition to the normal books above, I’m going to keep a record of the academic works I’ve consumed, possibly with some blog posts and notes on them; we’ll see where that goes though 😉

Currently reading

Paper Author
Business Intelligence and Analytics: From Big Data to Big Impact Hsinchun Chen, Roger Chiang, et. al.


Will read

Paper Author
Protecting TOR exit nodes from abuse Stjepan Groš, Marko Salkić, et. al.
Improving the Tor traffic distribution with circuit switching method Timothy Girry Kale, et. al.
Application of Neural Networks and Friedman Test for User Identification in Tor Networks Taro Ishitaki, Tetsuya Oda, et. al.
Deanonymizing schemes of hidden services in tor network: A survey Sabita Nepal, Saurav Dahal, et. al.
A hierarchical classification approach for tor anonymous traffic Jia Lingyu, Liu Yang, et. al.
Tor Network Limits Souad Benmeziane, Nadjib Badache, et. al.
Large scale port scanning through tor using parallel Nmap scans to scan large portions of the IPv4 range Rodney R Rohrmann & Vincent J Ercolani
Web-based collaborative big data analytics on big data as a service platform Kyounghyun Park, Minh Nguyen, & Heesun Won
Using Big Data for Profiling Heavy Users in Top Video Apps Chieh-Hsin Liao, Yu-Heng Lei, Kai-Yu Liou, Jian-Shing Lin, Hsiao-Feng Yeh

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